Friday, February 5, 2016

Upcoming Events:

Valentine party on Feb. 11th at 10 o'clock. Please send their valentine box or bag by Feb. 9th. If you are not able to make a box, please let me know!

Feb. 11th- Student Council is having a dress up day for Diabetes, Cancer, Valentines and Super bowl. You can wear red/silver, pink, or a team T-shirt of jersey.

This week:

We learned about animals this week. Bringing their own animals kept them engaged in our activities. They made a habitat for their animal and wrote a story about it with a beginning, middle, and end. we read several different animal stories and found the main idea and details in each story. In math, we reviewed tens and ones. They really have caught on to this concept. 

Next week:

We will be reviewing all of the words from week 1 to 19. It is so important that they can read these words. It makes reading easier when they know sight words. 

We will be incorporating different math and reading skills with Valentine activities. We will review fractions and start adding 2 digit numbers in math. We will read Valentine books and retell them. We will write Valentine poems and use technology to find things we love.

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