Friday, September 25, 2015

We will be learning about each student by using a timeline of their life.

We learned a lot about Jacklynn last week!

This Week:

We had so much learning about plants. They made a paper garden to learn about the life cycle of a plant. The students planted 10 seeds each and then they could plant 2 different types of plants. We made a class book that showed all the ways to make 10.

During story time, we asked questions about the fiction and nonfiction plant stories we read. In math, we used objects to add together to make show all the ways that make 10.

They wrote a story about their garden and it had 3 sentences! They are creative writers.

Please practice reading and spelling their sight words. You can find all of them in their planners or on the back of their folders.
Next weeks words: at  be from  have  this 

Next week:

We will be reading different fairy tales to help us retell a story using the beginning, middle, and end. We will write a fairy tale during writing. Our project next week will be making a map of a fairy tale.  In math we will focus on subtraction.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Reminders: Please send any pop tabs or box tops you have to school by the end of September.

Go Arrows!

This Week:

We had a great homecoming week. We read stories about sports and used those stories to learn about setting. We made words with the short i sound.

In math, we learned about adding one and subtracting one.

We finished writing about being good citizens.

On Friday, we made headbands with our 3rd grade buddies. We also had a competition with some marshmallows.

Next week:

We will be learning about plants and their parts. They will build a pretend garden and add and subtract with their vegetables they plant in the garden. We will read stories about plants and practice asking questions about the stories. In math we will be adding and subtracting numbers up to 10.

Have a great weekend! You all have such wonderful children! I am lucky to have them in my class!

Friday, September 11, 2015

I hope you enjoyed the snack we made. The students had a blast making it and they learned a lot about producers, consumers, and goods.

This week:

We had a great week learning about good citizens and goods and services.

We reviewed fiction and nonfiction books and found characters in the stories we read. In math, we compared numbers and learned about the greater than and less than sign. We also reviewed numbers to 20.

To end the week, we produced a good using an assembly line. You will get to be the consumer and try our tasty snack.

I will post pictures of that soon.

Next week:

Sight words for next week:  are, for, he, on, was  Please practice the spelling of these also.

We will be learning about one less and one more during math. In reading, we will still be identifying characters and learning about the setting of a book. During phonics we will be making words with short i.

Please read every night with your child. If they did not bring a book home that they can read, please have them try reading a library book or one you have at home.

Remember to complete the bottom of the left page in their planners by Friday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

For a full day, today went fast!

Mayor Thorson visited Jefferson's first grade. He told us about what the mayor does and how important it is to be a good citizen.

We also had our Fit for Life run with our 3rd grade buddies.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Reminders: Please send an individual snack for you child each day of school. Thank you!

This week:

We made an ABC book of rules. They are very creative! I will be sending home the book we made soon.

In math, we used dot cards and put them in order and made a clock. We also learned about the equal sign and what it means.

Please remember to fill out the bottom right side of their planner by Fridays.

Next week:

The sight words for next week are:  in, it, is, that, you
Please practice these nightly. They are written in their planners.

We will be learning about being citizens. The mayor is coming to visit on Tuesday! We will compare numbers in math and read books about citizens and find the characters in the stories.

If you have any questions, please email or call!

Punt, pass, and kick will be on Thursday Sept. 10th. Notes will come home soon with more details.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

No School Monday September 7th!

The Fit for Life run has been changed to Tuesday Sept. 8th.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Upcoming Events:

On Friday Sept. 4th, we will have our Fit For Life kickoff run at the school. Please have your children dress accordingly.

All of September please save:

Box tops, campbell's labels, tyson chicken project A+, loaves for learning, coke rewards points and pop tabs.

Send them school to help turn trash in cash for Jefferson! For more information see the PTO page in the Jefferson Journal.
Reading Logs

Please have your child read a book to you every night and record it in the reading log. I will start sending books home at the end of this week. If they do not have a book have them take turns reading a library book. You read one page and then they read the next and etc. Once you get 10 books you will get a pizza certificate from book it. 


In their planners, they have added the sight words for the week. Please practice those at home. On the right page of the planner for the week, there are activities that they need to complete by Friday. This week, they have a dot to dot and they need to make words that start with ru_. 

If you have any questions please call or email. Thank you for all of your help.

Mrs. Swenson